

Hair: Light Brown Eyes: Green Weight: 115 Height: 5’2



The Life & Death of Art, Elena Parrish, Kangalee Arts Ensemble

Finding Chase; PJ, New Canon Theatre Co.

Taming of the Shrew; Tranio, New Canon Theatre Co.

Julius Caesar; Calpurnia, Lepidus, Titinius, PacRep Theatre

Buried Child; Shelly 59E59 Theatre, NYC

First Day; Clara (Lead) 59E59 Theatre, NYC

Down The Road; Iris Henniman (Lead), Edinburgh Fringe Festival

No Place to Be Somebody; Dee Jacobson (Lead), SUNY Purchase Theatre Conservatory

As You Like It; Phoebe, SUNY Purchase Theatre Conservatory 

The Madwoman of Chaillot; Madwoman Gabrielle, SUNY Purchase Theatre Conservatory

Not By Bed Alone; Lucette (Lead), SUNY Purchase Theatre Conservatory

Our Country’s Good; Liz Morden (Lead), New World Black Box


Brooklyn Bound Papo (David Zayas) Wife  

First Day Clara (Lead)

Norma Norma (Lead)

Day Break Lead

Following Bliss Hot Bartender


SUNY Purchase, Theatre Conservatory, BFA, Cum Laude

NYU, Producing Film, Continuing Education

New World School of Arts High School

Joseph Adler Acting Studio

Miami Shores Theatre of the Performing Arts

Vocal Training: Thom Jones, Barbara Knowles

Talents & Skills:

Comedy; Improv, Slapstick & Farce, Yoga, Hip Hop, Jazz, African, Ballet, Fencing, Stage Combat, Plays Blind Very Well, High Altitude Mountain Climber


French, Italian, Russian, American Southern, Cockney, R.P. British, Jamaican, Various Latino (Cuban, Puerto Rican etc…)


Fluent in Spanish, Conversational in French, Dutch, Italian & Hebrew